Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga collects & stores your personal data when..
…you book a yoga class / session with us (typically through BookingHawk)
At the time of booking a yoga class/session, Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga will collect basic personal details (typically your first name, surname, email address and phone number) from you to input into BookingHawk – the booking system that we use. We will also ask for a brief medical history including injuries and allergies, and your next of kin (NOK) details.
Information submitted by paper form/alternative mediums is added to the online BookingHawk booking system and then destroyed. There is an opt-in for this on the paper form/alternative medium, and you are also able to request that your information is not stored online. In which case your paper form/alternative medium will be kept securely by Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga, for the time determined by the Insurance Company. All information gathered by Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga either on paper/alternative medium or through the online booking process is treated as confidential and will not be shared with a third party. If you grant permission, it is kept securely in the Booking Hawk online booking system (see their Privacy Policy, and only viewed by Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga staff. You may update or correct your account information and email preferences at any time by logging in to your BookingHawk account and changing your account and profile settings.
Collecting these elements of your personal data is to assist Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga in tailoring our yoga classes/sessions to meet your individual needs and to ensure your health and safety during our yoga classes/sessions. This data also allows Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga to collect a register of who has been to which class, which is required for insurance and fire purposes. Your NOK details is collected solely for use in an emergency, should Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga need to contact your NOK or give this information to the emergency services.
When booking either online, or through alternative mediums, you will be asked to sign a disclaimer. In doing so you are agreeing to your email and phone number being used by Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga to inform you of class changes, service updates directly relating to the service you have booked. You may, of course, decline to submit your email and phone number to Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga, which in some cases may mean that Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga is not be able to provide certain services to you. If you do not wish to submit your email, and therefore are unable to book online, you can book your class by contacting me on 07547 019 095 or
Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga may, from time to time, use your phone number to contact you about urgent class changes or to inform you if a waiting list place has become available. We will only do this if you have booked the class in question, or added yourself to the waiting list. If you do not wish me to contact you in this way, please inform Alice Faulkner in person or by emailing
…when you join our mailing list
When you sign up to the Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga newsletter, the information that you input is stored securely in Squarespace. Each of our newsletters has an ‘unsubscribe’ link at the bottom, as well as an ‘update subscription preferences’ link, so you can decide what you’d like to receive. When you purchase a service from us through BookingHawk you will automatically be added to our email list. You may subsequently change your subscription preferences at any time (i.e. unsubscribe).
…when you interact with our website (
If you submit other personal data through the website, such as through a contact form, this will never be passed to a third party, unless we get explicit permission from you beforehand. For example, if you have booked to come on a retreat with us, we may ask you if we can pass your phone number to the retreat host so that they can arrange your transport or understand your dietary requirements.
Your activity on this website is captured using Google Analytics and other tracking software.
Changes to Our Privacy Policy
Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga may update our Privacy Policy from time to time, and so you should review this Policy periodically. When we change the policy in a material way, we will update the ‘last modified’ date at the top, or bottom, of this Privacy Policy. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.
If you ever have any questions about this, or if you wish your personal data held by Alice Faulkner/alice faulkner yoga to be deleted or amended please contact Alice Faulkner,